Football Manager 2021 is looking like a really exciting time for FM Base because not only are we working on an exciting platform that we will begin rolling out from the 24th November onwards, we're also delighted to announce that we'll be teaming up with the FM Editor Team to make all your favourite databases as accessible as possible.
Part of our partnership will mean the database work done by the FM Editor Team is available exclusively via FM Base - which is very exciting for us and something we're very grateful for. In return, we will be delivering a super cool download portal for the great work done by the FM Editor Team and as we move later in the year (and more towards FM22) a live database that anybody can contribute to.
For those who are unaware, the FM Editor Team provide some of the most in-depth editor files for Football Manager. From lower league pyramids to in-depth transfer updates, they have it all.
The next step FM Base takes will be the right one and we can’t wait to show you.
Exclusive: FM Base and The FM Editor Team are teaming up
26 October 2020
25 November 2020
1 min read
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